
Engagment Modal

Our Engagement Models

Discover our flexible engagement models tailored to meet various IT requirements. Whether you need dedicated resources for ongoing projects, short-term staff augmentation for specific tasks, or comprehensive project management solutions, we have options that fit your needs. Partner with us to enhance efficiency and successfully achieve your business objectives.

Fixed Priced Project

A fixed price project or contract involves providing services to the client at a predetermined price. Before the project begins, the scope, cost, and timeline are typically agreed upon and documented. Any changes to one of these components will impact the others, highlighting the importance of change control. The agreed-upon amount at the project’s outset remains unchanged throughout the development stage.




Dedicated Development Team

Clients opt for this engagement model when they require full-time resources dedicated to their projects. Under this arrangement, clients directly manage the resources, assign tasks, and coordinate workflow. It’s the client’s responsibility to ensure continuous engagement and productivity of the resources throughout the project duration.

Time and Material Project

Time and material is a project or contract type where we charge the client based on the actual hours developers work. This model suits open-ended or undefined projects where precise estimates are challenging.

This model is ideal when:

Agile Project

Agile methodology is a project approach where development cycles, known as sprints, allow for flexibility and collaboration between cross-functional teams. This model is ideal for projects where requirements evolve through continuous improvement and feedback, ensuring adaptive planning and prompt responses to changes in priorities or market conditions.

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