
API Integration

API Integration Services in Chandigarh

An API, short for Application Programming Interface, establishes rules and protocols facilitating interactions between software applications. It dictates the format for requests and responses, enabling seamless communication and data or service sharing among various systems or components. APIs act as intermediaries, enabling applications to access features or data from external services or software without requiring detailed knowledge of their internal operations.

Types and process of Api Integration

The integration process involves defining requirements, choosing an API, obtaining access, understanding documentation, setting up requests, handling responses, testing, and maintaining the integration.

Open APIs (Public APIs)

Available to everyone; anyone can use them to access features or data.

Partner APIs

Shared with specific business partners or clients under certain conditions.


Use standard web protocols (like HTTP) and are easy to use and understand.

GraphQL APIs

Let clients request exactly the data they need, making data fetching more efficient.

Internal APIs (Private APIs)

Used only within a company to connect internal systems and services.

Composite APIs

Combine data from multiple sources into a single request to simplify interactions.


Follow strict standards and use XML for messaging, offering strong security.


Send data automatically to another system when a specific event happens.

Custom API Integration solutions

API Integration Services by SoftAdroit streamline connectivity for your business processes. We specialise in seamless integration of APIs tailored to your specific needs, enhancing efficiency and functionality. Our expert team ensures robust security measures and thorough testing to guarantee reliable performance. For customised API solutions that optimise your operations and boost productivity, contact SoftAdroit today.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an API (Application Programming Interface)?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, defines how software applications interact with each other. It establishes rules and protocols for formatting requests and responses, enabling seamless communication and data sharing between different systems or components.

What are the types of APIs used in integration?
  • Open APIs (Public APIs): Accessible to everyone for retrieving features or data.

  • Internal APIs (Private APIs): Used within a company to connect internal systems and services.
  • Partner APIs: Shared with specific business partners under defined conditions.
  • Composite APIs: Combine data from multiple sources into a single request for simplified interaction.
  • REST APIs: Use standard web protocols like HTTP, known for their simplicity and ease of use.
  • SOAP APIs: Follow strict standards and use XML messaging for robust security.
  • GraphQL APIs: Allow clients to request precise data, optimising data fetching efficiency.
  • Webhooks: Trigger automatic data transmissions to other systems based on specific events.
What is involved in the API integration process?

The API integration process includes:

  • Defining integration requirements.
  • Choosing an appropriate API based on needs.
  • Obtaining access to the API.
  • Understanding API documentation.
  • Setting up requests and handling responses.
  • Thorough testing of the integration.
  • Ongoing maintenance to ensure reliability and performance.
Why choose SoftAdroit for custom API integration solutions?

SoftAdroit specialises in seamless API integration services tailored to your business needs. Our solutions enhance efficiency, functionality, and security through expert implementation and rigorous testing. Contact us today to optimise your operations and boost productivity with our customised API integration services in Chandigarh.

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